A better world
Our contribution to making the world a better place
We built on the foundations developed in year one of our DEI strategy, growing key partnerships and implementing measures to assess the impact of our work.
We continue to make progress towards our net zero targets. And the IFoA Foundation helped hundreds of young people through funds donated by actuaries, employers, and supporters of the profession.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
A strong second year for our DEI strategy
We launched the DEI employer network, gathered demographic data across all volunteer groups, and appointed DEI champions to each of our practice boards.
Our new employer network creates a space for knowledge sharing and advocacy. At its inaugural events, we discussed topics such as socio-economic diversity and neurodiversity. We heard presentations from partners and employers including Progress Together, CubeLynx, Zurich, AON, Phoenix Group, and the Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity (GAIN).
Member Maz Bown, Aviva’s Chief Risk Officer, lent her expertise to the DEI plenary at the IFoA Conference. She emphasised the importance of data in driving change and called attention to the “relentless focus” it takes to turn targets into reality.
As part of our work to widen access to the profession, we hosted over 60 university students at our annual ‘More Than Just Maths’ careers showcase, offering aspiring actuaries a chance to network with top employers for the profession.
Chika Aghadiuno
Chair, IFoA Diversity Action Group

The IFoA has continued to implement its forward- and outward-looking five-year DEI strategy with the aim of ensuring that everyone can make an impact and succeed in the actuarial profession. Alongside the IFoA Executive, myself and fellow volunteers in the Diversity Action Group (DAG) continue to support the aim of ensuring current and future members and volunteers feel they work in an environment where they belong. We encourage all members to engage in whatever way they can.
Helping hundreds of young actuaries
The IFoA Foundation helped over 800 young people around the world
In the UK, 450 young people benefited from financial education workshops. Over 10,000 school pupils participated in maths challenges and careers events supported and inspired by actuarial volunteers.
The Actuaries of Tomorrow UK Scholarship presented its first two awards, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Actuaries Charity. This new programme offers scholarships to the best performing first-year undergraduate students at IFoA accredited universities who need financial support.
Masimba Zata was elected the new chair of trustees for the IFoA Foundation. Masimba is an IFoA Council member and a director at Moody’s Analytics. He has served as a trustee since 2021 and is a passionate ambassador for the foundation, sharing its mission and values with diverse audiences across the profession.
New celebration events got underway in 2023. These special occasions bring together supporters, beneficiaries, partners, and volunteers. At the first, past chair of the foundation Kartina Tahir Thomson gave a powerful speech in which she shared stories from young people around the world who have benefited from the charity’s support.
Funds donated by actuaries, employers, and supporters of the profession enabled:
determined individuals around the world to sit IFoA exams
gifted students from seven countries to access scholarships
aspiring actuaries from 14 countries to be offered places on a bespoke online mentoring programme
Masimba Zata
Chair, IFoA Foundation

Thank you to all our supporters. To my fellow trustees and volunteers who give their valuable time, energy, and expertise. To the philanthropists whose passion for ‘paying it forward’ makes our work possible. And to the partners who invest their resources in our shared purpose.
Net zero targets
From 2019 to 2022, our emissions fell by over 60%
To date, with the help of independent reviewers, we have baselined data at 2019 (pre-pandemic) and have complete data for 2019 to 2022. We anticipated a rise from 2020 through to 2022 due to the post-pandemic effect and the initial implementation of our property strategy in the short term.
However, we used the significant changes following the pandemic as an opportunity to reduce our emissions and move forward with our carbon management plan.
2023 data is being collected and analysed to inform the plan, and we're committed to a programme of action that will be reported annually.
IFoA emissions 2019 to 2022

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